[ Recommended Recipe ]
You will need:
Coffee machine
Espresso Recipe:
Coffee in: 23g
Water Temp.: 94°C
Pressure: 9 bars
Coffee out: 48 ml
Brew Time: 30s
Roaster Tips
Consistent coffee can only be achieved by consistent dosing and correct tamping. Properly cleaning the portafilters, shower screens and the grinder regularly is essential to achieving a better cup of coffee.
Remove the coffee handle from the grouphead and wipe the basket of coffee grounds and left over residuos with a clean, dry cloth.
Place the coffee handle on a scale and tare it.
Grind 23g of coffee (fine grains) into your basket. Use the scale to ensure you have the right volume.
Using a hard surface bench softly knock the bottom of the portafilter once with a vertical movement to help compacting the coffee in the basket.
Finish distributing the ground coffee evenly inside the basket using your finger until it looks flat and even in all directions.
Place you coffee handle on a flat suface and make sure you tamp the coffee as even as you can in the basket by pushing the tamper firmly in a vertical, downwards movement, only once. To achieve the correct pressure and avoid any injuries straight your arm and use your body weight during tamping.
To finish tamping, gently spin the tamper 360 on top of the coffee to lightly polish the coffee surface.
Flush the grouphead with hot water between shots to warm the shower screen and keep it consistently clean.
Place your coffee handle in the grouphead and start your shot.
The extraction should start slow and creamy. After around 20s the coffee start to thin in texture and change colour from dark brown to a mix of dark and light browns. Close to the 30s mark the extraction will be much quicker, thiner and yellower but it is essential to balance the whole shot flavours out. You can end the extraction at 30 seconds.
A good extraction should give you around 48g of coffee in the cup. If the final volume is shorter than 47ml, you should coarse your grinder a bit. If it is higher than 49ml you should thin your grind a bit and try it again until you reach the perfect extraction.
Enjoy your coffee.

[ Recommended Recipe ]
V60 Pour Over Brewer
V60 Filter
Coffee in: 15g
Water Temp.: 92°C
Hot water vol.: 250 ml
Brew Time: 3min
You will need:
Pour over Recipe:
Roaster Tips
This is one of our team's favourite way of having our coffee. The result is a very clean, sweet easy to drink cup of coffee that brings out the floral and fruit notes.
There is no right or wrong way of brewing your coffee with paper filters. Different recipes will give different results and the recipe we are describing below is the one that we love. Try it and see if it also works for you.
Fill your kettle with around 450ml of drinking water. If you have a temperature controlled kettle it is easier, you just have to set it to 92°C. If you have a normal kettle set it to boil and leave it on the side for a couple of minutes before using it.
Take your paper filter, fold the seam along the edge and place it inside the brew cone. Rinse the paper throughout with hot water to reduce any paper flavours and to warm the vessel and cone. Discard the water from the vessel.
Grind 15g of coffee (as coarse as a salt grain) and pour it in the paper filter.
Give the filter a gentle knock on the side to settle and level the coffee inside. Place the cone on top of the vessel you are brewing into and the vessel on top of the scale. Now, tare the scale.
If possible, check with a thermometer when the water in the kettle reaches 92°C. Otherwise wait for around 3 minutes after the kettle has boiled.
The water pouring will have 3 stages. In the first stage start the timer and pour 50ml of hot water on top of the coffee doing slow circular movements starting in the centre then going close to the coffee rim and back if needed. Try not to pour straight on the paper, as it will make the water run straight down to the vessel.
When you reach 50ml, stop pouring the water and wait for 30 seconds. The coffee will start to bloom, expanding and releasing CO2. During this phase, gently agitate the surface of the coffee with a spoon for 1 second, only enough to ensure all coffee is saturated with water.
After 30 seconds, pour another 50ml of water repeating the same circular movements described above. The scale should now be showing 100ml. Stop pouring the water and wait for another 30 seconds.
In the last stage pour the remaining150ml of water using circular movements again trying to pour, this time, not too far from the centre.
Once the scale shows 250ml you can stop pouring the water remove the brewing group from the scale and gently knock it down on a hard surface, only once and just enough to reorganise the coffee mixture inside the paper filter on the final stage. The coffee should stop brewing in around 3 minutes from the start. You can now remove the paper filter, pour the coffee in your favourite cup and enjoy it.

[ Recommended Recipe ]
You will need:
Drinking water
Cold Drip machine
60mm paper filter
Cold drip Recipe:
Coffee in: 60g
Water volume: 700 ml
Water Temp.: icy cold or room temperature
Brew Time: 4 hours
Roaster Tips
Cold drip coffee is the liquor for coffee drinkers. Beautiful sweet concentrated coffee with heaps of character. Great to be consumed just "on the rocks" but also perfect to be mixed in your coffee cocktail or tiramisu cake.
There are many different Cold Drip machines in the market but they all work using the same principal. This recipe can be adapted to any machine. Make sure you read the manual before assembling it.
Grind 60g of coffee (very coarse, almost flaky).
Assemble your Cold Drip machine, placing the metal filter correctly as shown on the product manual. Make sure the machine is dry and very clean. Pour in the ground coffee (straight on top of the metal filter) and give it gentle knocks on the sides till the top of the coffee looks leveled.
Place the paper filter gently on top of the ground coffee. Some people prefer to pre-wet the paper filter using filtered water.
Using a small jug slowly pour small amounts of water till you saturate the whole coffee. When pouring the water in this phase don't let the water level reach over 2mm from the paper filter. Stop and restart pouring as many times as you need, avoiding having much water on top and in between the coffee and the paper filter. The mix will be ready when all the ground coffee looks wet.
Place the top part of the machine (with the dripping tap) on top of the bottom vessel . Make sure the tap is closed. Fill it with 700ml of filtered water, then place the lid on.
The cooler part starts now. With the coffee and water in place, slowly open the tap until you get drips coming out at a pace of 1 drop every second. You may need to check every now and then just to make sure this flow is maintained till the end. For the amount of water and coffee used in this recipe, the water will be dropping on the saturated coffee for around 3 hours. This doesn't need to be a rule. You can slow or increase the water flow to experiment different results and judge witch one works better for you.
The more you try, the more you will understand the brewing methods and what part each variable plays on the whole equation. Keep it interesting and share the results with your mates. Serve it in your favourite glass over ice . We also had great results mixing it in coffee cocktails and tiramisu cakes. Enjoy it.

[ Recommended Recipe ]
You will need:
Aeropress Brewer
60mm Filter
Aeropress Recipe:
Coffee in: 15g
Water Temp.: 91°C
Hot water vol.: 250 ml
Brew Time: 2 min
Roaster Tips
Don't get stuck in one recipe only. Explore different water temperatures, different volumes and check what works better for the coffee you are brewing. Start with the recipe below to understand better the process and to start with something that already works well but don't just stick to this particular one. Different recipes can be great with different coffees as well. Different coffee origins gives you very different notes. They can be fruity, nutty, floral, citric,... and this notes can be achieved more successfully by varying some of the variables in the recipe. This is exciting. You can always tweak things and make it better. So, never stop exploring and find what hit the spot for you.
Fill your Kettle with around 300ml of drinking water. If you have a temperature controlled kettle it is easier, you just have to set to 91°C. If you have a normal kettle set it to boil and leave it on the side for around 4 minutes before using it.
Assemble your Aeropress by placing plunger correctly inside the barrel. Make sure the Aeropress is dry and very clean. Now place it on a scale with the opening upwards and then tare the scale. Grind 15g of coffee (as coarse as a salt grain) and pour it inside the barrel. Give it gentle knocks on the sides till the top of the coffee looks levelled.
Add 50g of hot water and gently stir the mixture with a knife or bamboo spatula to ensure all the grounds are saturated. Leave it for 30 seconds.
Whilst the coffee is blooming you can place the paper filter in the black cap and carefully rinse it with the hot water. Be carful not to burn your hands. You can do this on top of the pouring vessel or glass to also warm it.
Add another 200g of hot water at 91°C in the mixture. Give it a very short stir, the screw in the cap with paper filter on the Aeropress. Make sure you have no spilled coffee ground on the top of the aeropress, then assemble the cap firmly till it locks tightly.
Carefully, flip the Aeropress upside down and place it on top of the vessel you want to brew in to. Start applying pressure (around 30 pounds) until there is no more water to push through. Don't rush now. This process should take around 30s. You can stop applying pressure when you get close to the bottom and hear a hissing noise. Your coffee is now ready to be appreciated. Enjoy it.
Carefully, flip the Aeropress upside down and place it on top of the vessel you want to brew in to. Start applying pressure (around 30 pounds) until there is no more water to push through. Don't rush now. This process should take around 30s. You can stop applying pressure when you get close to the bottom and hear a hissing noise. Your coffee is now ready to be appreciated. Enjoy it.

[ Recommended Recipe ]
You will need:
Stove top (Moka Pot)
Stove top Recipe:
Coffee in: 18g
Water vol.: 200 ml
Roaster Tips
The tip here is to not compact the coffee inside the basket too much. The steam needs to flow through the coffee ground and if the coffee is packed too tight, the resistance created by the coffee leads to a higher temperature conduction and consequently undesirable burnt flavours.
Boil water, and fill the bottom half of your Moka pot with water that’s fresh off the boil.
Grind 18g of coffee (fine, just slightly coarser than you would for a espresso).
Pour the ground coffee into the basket and give it a shake to settle the grounds evenly.
Now place it into the bottom compartment.
Carefully screw on the top compartment. Remember, the bottom chamber will be hot.
Place the pot on a stove set to medium heat.
As soon as the water starts boiling, the pressure will push steam through the basket, brewing the coffee and consequently forcing the mixture upwards filling this way the upper chamber.
Your coffee will be ready when your hear a hissing sound.

[ Recommended Recipe ]
You will need:
French Press - Plunger
Plunger Recipe:
Coffee in: 18g
Water Temp.: 93°C
Hot water vol.: 250 ml
Brew Time: 3min
Roaster Tips
French Press is a very simple but efficient way to brew your coffee and the result can be fantastic. Just remember not to squash the coffee all the way down between the plunger and the glass. Try to always stop few millimetres from the bottom.
Another tip is to serve or transfer the coffee to another warm Jug as soon as you finish pushing the plunger downwards. This will stop the brewing time and ensure the flavours are cleaner.
Fill your Kettle with around 300ml of drinking water. If you have a temperature controlled kettle it is easier, you just have to set to 94°C. If you have a normal kettle set it to boil and leave it on the side for a couple of minutes before using it.
Rinse the plunger and the Jug with some of the hot water from the Kettle to clean the recipient and warm it at the same time. Tip the water out and then place the French Press jug on the scale and tare it.
Grind 18g of coffee (as coarse as a salt grain) and pour it inside the Jug.
Start your timer then add 50g of hot water at 93°C. Give it a quick stir just to make sure all the coffee ground is wet. Leave it booming for 40 seconds.
Give it a quick stir just to make sure all the coffee ground is wet. Leave it booming for 40 seconds.
After the blooming phase pour in another 50g of hot water and wait for 30s.
Now pour in the remaining 150g of hot water in circular movement in order to agitate the mixture. Place the Plunger on the top of the opening and wait till the timer shows 2:30min.
Heading 1
At 2:30min slowly press the plunger downwards towards the bottom. When getting close to the bottom, try to stop before squashing the coffee against the glass.
Serve the coffee as soon as possible to warm cups and transfer the rest to a warm jug or Thermal bottle. If you don't quickly transfer to another jug, the coffee will keep brewing and could lead to a bitter taste.

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